Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Our Sunday Service starts at 10:00am. Our order of service typically looks like this: prayer, worship, announcements after the second song, more worship, meet & greet, dismissing the children, and then the sermon. 

Currenlty our Nursery is open for children ages 1-3.

We also have Kids Church for those aged 4-12, with a lesson and some crafts/games. 

We are glad you have decided to visit us and we are looking forward to getting to know you!

What is it like? Up-beat and contemporary service with something for everyone.

What about my kids? See above in the FAQ section for the most recent updates.

Where do I park? We have a large parking lot on the West side of our building and there is always street parking available too.

What do I wear? Whatever appropriate clothes you feel comfortable, if that is jeans and a t-shirt great! If it is a full suit awesome! 

How can I get connected? You can either contact us under the contact section, or you can email


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